Full smile
Implants are a modern option for the reproduction of full and aesthetic dentition. The problem of the lack of a single or several teeth affects more and more people of all ages.

Thanks to modern implantology, we can in many cases, under local anesthesia at the same visit, remove the unreproducible tooth and set the implant in its place. In cases when the tooth was lost earlier after radiological analysis of the quality and quantity of bone tissue, we can additionally rebuild the bones, the amount of which decreases with time. It is worth remembering that the shorter the time from tooth loss, the better.
In the absence of all teeth, it is possible to aesthetic restoration supported on implants, giving the patient a feeling of comfort most similar to the own teeth.

For many people, prosthetics kept on implants and allowing for much better maintenance and aesthetics in comparison to ordinary prostheses are an excellent solution. Thanks to them, we also get better facial features, no eating difficulties or the possibility of a natural, uninhibited smile.

It is worth rebuilding the lack of even one tooth, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because over time the neighboring teeth and those in front of the missing one are moving, causing various aesthetic and occlusion disorders, difficulties in hygiene and what are the reasons for caries. As a consequence, the treatment may involve more teeth in the future.

As shown by the latest research, approx. 95% of implantation procedures are successful. It can therefore be assumed that with the appropriate preliminary preparation for the procedure, as well as the use of modern equipment and high-quality implant systems – which is standard in our Clinic – success can be achieved.

Control visits and hygiene in the future are also important, which affects the long-term success of treatment.
A full smile is a value that raises our self-esteem, has a positive effect on our appearance and well-being, provides the ability to fully and correctly use the speech function, sense of taste and digestion.
As Leonardo da Vinci used to say: “We are most beautifully with a smile …”

author: lek.dent.Katarzyna Zawadzka

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