He studied at the Academy of Social Sciences in Lódź in the Department of Fern in Kolobrzeg. He worked as a physiotherapist in the rehabilitation department of the district hospital in Slawno. Then he caught cuts in the vocational rehabilitation centers in Kolobrzeg. He was especially the individual work with the patients working therapeutic massage and manual therapy. Privately from the beginning of his career he dealt with orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation. For a long time he worked in SPA Kolobrzeg hotels. Also works club sport and helps to avoid injury and also the recovery of injury during acceleration. He completed courses in manual therapy methods dr. Ackermann, as well as osteopathy and functional integration. He has completed a Kinesio Taping Grade 1 and 2 course, as well as functional taping.
In his work each patient and his problems are treated individually. No patient is never the same. Each patient is operated at a high level as he may be served.
In his spare time he meets his other passions: sports, film and cooking.

Krzysztof Pielecki
I am constantly learning and expanding my knowledge, which allows me to improve the therapeutic effect of the treatments I perform.zas dokształcam się i poszerzam wiedzę, co pozwala polepszyć efekt terapeutyczny wykonywanych przeze mnie zabiegów.
I constantly focus on training and extension knowledge that can enhance the therapeutic effects of treatments.