She graduated with distinction from Medical University of Poznan. During her studies she was active in the Scientific Circle of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology. She conducted research. Successfully implemented solutions known in the world and previously not practiced in Poland. He is the author of scientific publications. After completing her postgraduate internship she perfected her skills in the modern Implantoprotectology Clinic in Poznan. In 2011 she founded the Sorea Clinic.
Its full commitment, attention to detail and friendly approach are met with patient recognition. Perfectionism and the search for individual solutions is a motto thanks to which aesthetic dentistry, implantology and modern endodontics have become her passion. A travel lover, a yoga and a healthy lifestyle.

Katarzyna Zawadzka
Every day I passionately help others achieve a healthy and beautiful smile, taking care of it systematically is my passion. The greatest distinction is patient satisfaction and trust.ennie z pasją pomagam innym uzyskać zdrowy i piękny uśmiech, dbanie o niego systematycznie to moja pasja. Największym wyróżnieniem jest zadowolenie i zaufanie pacjentów.
I constantly improve my qualifications by participating in courses and conferences.